The LGBT Bar Association of Wisconsin is an association of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender legal professionals and their allies. Learn more about who we are and what we do in the About Us section.
Important Information about Coronavirus and the LGBT Community from the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center can be found at:
Diversifying the Bench Mixer
March 5, 2020
Sponsored by Husch Blackwell & Redgrave LLP
Co-Sponsored by LGBT Bar of WI, WAAL, WABA, AWL, and WHLA
It was an amazing evening with many of our diverse judges and judicial candidates in attendance, discussing their experiences and sharing their insights. We hope to make it an annual event. And, be on the look out for more collaborations between affinity bars focused on getting to know your judiciary better, understanding professional opportunities within the judiciary, and more!

Diversifying the Bench - Judicial Appointments
Join the LGBT Bar Association of WI, ACS Milwaukee Lawyer Chapter, the Association for Women Lawyers, the Wisconsin Asian American Bar Association, the Wisconsin Association of African-American Lawyers, and the Wisconsin Hispanic Lawyers Association for a pointed discussion regarding judicial appointments. Hear from a panel of experts, including members of the Judicial Selection Advisory Committee, and recently appointed Judge Joe Donald.
Monday, October 14, 2019
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. CT
Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.
833 East Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Immediately following the event, continue the conversation during a networking event at Rare Steakhouse, hosted by Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.
Event is free for attendees. Please register here by October 10, 2019.
QLaw Welcomes Kenyan Queer
Legal Activist for Lecture
QLaw at the University of Wisconsin Law School welcomes Eric Gitari, queer activist and Co-Founder of the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission in Nairobi, Kenya for a lecture to begin at 3:00 p.m. on October 31 2019, at the Alumni Lounge of The Pyle Center (702 Langdon Street, Madison, WI 53706) on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. Gitari will be joined by David Tinashe Hofisi, a Doctoral Candidate at the University of Wisconisn-Madison focusing on human rights and constitutional law in Africa. Limited free tickets are available online here.
Thanks to all for Coming Out to our August Happy Hour! Hope to see you again in October!
Rebecca Kiefer, Israel Ramon, Judge William Pocan, Brett Blomme, and Pete Burgelis all stopped in and mingled with LGBT Bar Members at our August Happy Hour.
Wisconsin Ordered to Cover Gender Confirmation Surgery for Two Medicaid Recipients
U.S. District Judge William Conley found that Wisconsin's rule prohibiting Medicaid from paying for gender confirmation surgery violates both the Affordable Care Act and the equal protection rights of transgender Medicaid recipients.
Read more about it here.
Renew your
membership !
It's so easy, just click here.
Thanks to all who came out in support of an amazing event. We hope to put on more presentations like this one with other affinity bar groups, again soon! Stay tuned.
Leslie Gutierrez, previously of Whyte HirschBoeck Dudek, now Husch Blackwell, was featured in July 2017 Wisconsin Law Journal for her outstanding legal service.
"WHD’s Gutierrez carefully maps out strategies to aid her clients." By MaryBeth Matzek
Register for free with Wisconsin Law Journal and read more about this amazing attorney, fellow LGBT Bar Member, & Director, here.
Congratulations to Ruth Irvings, Wisconsin Law Journal 2016 Woman of the Year!!!
Irvings heads Law Journal’s outstanding Women in the Law class. Watch the video below.
LGBT BAR FOUNDING BOARD MEMBERS at our 2nd anniversary in 2016. (Can you believe the Bar is now 3 years old?!: (From Left to Right) Kate Westfall, Bob Held, Morgan Tilleman, Danielle Bailey, Taylor Barnes, & Lauren Schuster.
Amicus Brief
filed in
Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia
Angela B. Harden, Joseph S. Diedrich, and Jeffrey A,. McIntyre of Husch Blackwell, LLP, have filed an Amicus Brief on behalf of several Wisconsin organizations, including the LGBT Bar Association., in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia. This case questions whether Title VII provides protections for LGBTQ Americans in employment.
The brief can be found
Thanks to those three for their great work!
With support from the City of Milwaukee Equal Rights Commission, The LGBT Bar created Know Your LGBT Rights cards, which are now available at various LGBT resource centers in Milwaukee, and soon Madison. Take a look at the card here...
Creating Diverse and Inclusive Environments in Law Firms By Jacquie Champagne.
This year the Human Rights Campaign Fund awarded eighty-nine law firms perfect scores for workplace treatment of LGBT individuals. On first blush, this looks like quite an achievement. Read More...
Want to help the Bar grow?
Want to contribute in other ways? Have an idea for an event or CLE you would like the Bar to host? Want to volunteer? Contact us.